2023 02 15 2023 03 15 posts

· osiux's blog

title: ABSOLUTELLY NO WARRANTY /posts/ 2023-02-15 - 2023-03-15 date: 2023-02-15 2023-03-15 author: Osiris Alejandro Gómez osiux@osiux.com
#+LINK_HOME: index.html
#+INCLUDE:   header.org

Actividad por día #

▣▣ ▣▣▣▣□ ▣▣ ▣▣▣▣▣ ▣▣ ▣▣▣▣▣ ▣▣ ▣▣□▣▣ ▣□

Resumen #

item value
LAST_HASH 45386e5
FIRST_HASH b6c878f
TOTAL_TIME 17:49 hs

Total de commits por día #

  3.51 %   3.51 %          2 █                    2023-02-15 
  8.77 %   5.26 %          3 █                    2023-02-16 
 12.28 %   3.51 %          2 █                    2023-02-17 
 61.40 %  49.12 %         28 ████████████         2023-02-21 
 63.16 %   1.75 %          1 ▌                    2023-02-24 
 66.67 %   3.51 %          2 █                    2023-02-27 
 68.42 %   1.75 %          1 ▌                    2023-03-01 
 80.70 %  12.28 %          7 ███                  2023-03-02 
 84.21 %   3.51 %          2 █                    2023-03-04 
 96.49 %  12.28 %          7 ███                  2023-03-06 
 98.25 %   1.75 %          1 ▌                    2023-03-07 
100.00 %   1.75 %          1 ▌                    2023-03-15 

Total de commits por hora #

  3.51 %   3.51 %          2 █                    00 
  5.26 %   1.75 %          1 ▌                    01 
  8.77 %   3.51 %          2 █                    08 
 24.56 %  15.79 %          9 ████                 09 
 26.32 %   1.75 %          1 ▌                    10 
 49.12 %  22.81 %         13 █████                12 
 54.39 %   5.26 %          3 █                    13 
 63.16 %   8.77 %          5 ██                   14 
 64.91 %   1.75 %          1 ▌                    15 
 70.18 %   5.26 %          3 █                    19 
 75.44 %   5.26 %          3 █                    20 
 85.96 %  10.53 %          6 ██                   21 
 94.74 %   8.77 %          5 ██                   22 
100.00 %   5.26 %          3 █                    23 

Total de commits por tiempo #

 28.07 %  28.07 %         16 ███████              00:01 
 38.60 %  10.53 %          6 ██                   00:02 
 49.12 %  10.53 %          6 ██                   00:03 
 50.88 %   1.75 %          1 ▌                    00:04 
 71.93 %  21.05 %         12 █████                00:05 
 73.68 %   1.75 %          1 ▌                    00:08 
 77.19 %   3.51 %          2 █                    00:09 
 78.95 %   1.75 %          1 ▌                    00:10 
 82.46 %   3.51 %          2 █                    00:15 
 85.96 %   3.51 %          2 █                    00:30 
 87.72 %   1.75 %          1 ▌                    00:40 
 89.47 %   1.75 %          1 ▌                    00:56 
 91.23 %   1.75 %          1 ▌                    01:00 
 92.98 %   1.75 %          1 ▌                    01:30 
 94.74 %   1.75 %          1 ▌                    01:47 
 98.25 %   3.51 %          2 █                    02:00 
100.00 %   1.75 %          1 ▌                    04:00 

Detalle de posts nuevos, modificados y autogenerados #

How to block bad sites using low tech #

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Calendario de Terminal versus Calendario en Papel #

enviar notificaciones automáticas usando ntfy.sh #

ABSOLUTELLY NO WARRANTY posts 2021-03-01 - 2021-03-31 #

ABSOLUTELLY NO WARRANTY posts 2021-01-25 - 2021-02-25 #