· osiux's blog

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2023-06-21 bullet journal vim cal-bash-utils

2023-06-13 file2lftp

2023-06-10 Install Debian Bookworm on ThinkPad T14 Gen 1

2023-06-08 git-tag-summary vs git-tag-readme

2023-06-06 wifi2qr

2023-05-30 date-order-files vs year-order-dirs

2023-05-26 ansible2dot HP Linux Tools

2023-05-25 git-tag-changelog

2023-05-23 lines2regex vs regex2-check

2023-05-22 awx-json-bump-version

2023-05-18 Regenerar el archivo de configuración .git/config de un repositorio git

2023-05-16 publicar cada post de blog como status de mastodon usando mastodon-bash-utils

2023-05-12 Graficar ejemplo completo de integrar GitFlow y GitLab MRs

2023-04-27 Ansible Automates Buenos Aires 2023

2023-03-31 vim autosave backup

2023-03-30 Ansible Tools VHS Ansible BA Meetup

2023-03-30 Ansible Buenos Aires Meetup MAR/2023

2023-03-29 Ansible Tools Logo 2D Inkscape

2023-03-28 Dibujar logo Ansible Tools en 3D usando OpenSCAD y Blender

2023-03-27 PyCamp 2023 en la República de Corrientes

2023-03-15 How to block bad sites using low tech

2023-03-07 find value in all git tags using git-find-value

2023-03-06 How To automate GraphViz generate image from dot file using alpine-org2blog

2023-03-01 How To mount encrypted volume using with lukspass

2023-02-27 git auto commit and push using crontab.org

2023-02-24 Automate conversion of blog from org-mode to Html, Markdown and Gemini using Docker image alpine-org2blog and GitLab CI

2023-02-16 Calendario de Terminal versus Calendario en Papel

2023-02-15 enviar notificaciones automáticas usando ntfy.sh

2023-02-14 howto launch gitlab ci from other gitlab ci repo using trigger


#+INCLUDE: years.org