Free Software is cooperative

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"A cooperative resolves the need to work in a democratic way, to reclaim work as a creative enterprise, to build with others. Thus, work is not simply done for profit maximization, but also for the growth of the people who do it, taking into account the social and environmental impact thereby generated," writes Pablo A. Vannini, a member of gcoop.

gcoop was formed by a group of young people who came together in 2005 to form a cooperative to develop Free Software. We specialize in the development of CRM Software (Client and Member Management), website development (with Drupal technology), and customized development (using Python and PHP).

Free Software has shown that collaborative and cooperative work encourages the development of high quality information systems that generate better solutions and adapt to the needs of clients. This idea does not only apply to the activity of the cooperative, but goes to the core of the enterprise - the development of a democratic organization concerned with the development of the community in which it is located.

"A cooperative enterprise," Vannini explains "offers the only way for a worker to be autonomous, responsible, and work in solidarity." He adds that the cooperative form allows for mutual assistance and maintaining the work even if someone falls ill or needs family leave. Working together and helping each other creates a virtuous circle of growth. "For us, the cooperative is not just a legal form, but also a movement based on a rich history. The legal form is a starting point necessary for securing the foundation of solidarity upon which to build the project."

Other cooperatives of young programmers have been created based on the experience of gcoop and together we have recently founded a Federation specializing in the themes in which we work: Argentina Federation of Worker Cooperatives for Technology, Innovation and Knowledge (FACTTIC, based on the experience of the "Red Gráfica" ( and "Red Metalúrgica". gcoop is also a member of the federation of workers cooperatives, FECOOTRA (